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a simple gul..full of secret...da only one in her family...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

salam dear blog..

setiap kesakitan...setiap masalah...setiap dugaan..mesti ade sebab n hikmah nye...
same as me too..kali ni aku warded buat kalo le 3..atas sbb sakit yg same..but now..pinggang aku lak ade effect..k..n now aku nye elbow de masalah..or di panggil tennis elbow...erm..bukan aku ckp..aku main tennis tau..huhu..so aku search kt internet...what mean of tennis elbow ni...

*The medical term for a tennis elbow injury is lateral epicondylitis. Lateral epicondylitis falls into the category of Repetitive Stress Injuries. Tennis elbow injury occurs when the ligaments are strained in with a movement being repeated again and again. An example of this repetitive stress could be poor backhand technique using the wrist rather than the arm to hit the ball. This repetitive stress creates many small tears in the tendons.

These tears happen because the tendons do not stretch. Repeated stress strains the tendon causing it to fray in a similar way that a rope frays. As the body adapts to this tiny tears with the creation of scar tissue. This scar tissue may build up and create a bumpy or irregular surface that may aggravate the tendon sheath.

so ni la serbe sedikit..tp bab pasal pinggang aku lak..blm diketahui lg..sbb nk kene wat mri..apape pun aku rase aku bnyak sgt susah kan mak ayah aku n susah kan org sekililing aku...erm..dh pkul 3 setengah ni..arini buke sorg...n sahur plak kat hospital..gile kesian..


  1. get well soon dear...setiap kesakitan yang Allah beri itu diberi nikmat penghapus dosa-dosa kecil

  2. masuk spital lg ke weh???emm...ajak la cik abg teman...hikhikhik
