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a simple gul..full of secret...da only one in her family...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


saat ni...siyes mmg totaly sedih... ape perasaan korg bile actually korg mmg dh dapat smbung study...for ur degree..dlm kos yg korg mmg nak gile...tp at last dugaan yg dtg..korg kene stop study.... for sure..life korg akan rase gelap gile...terjatuh gile...malu gile..n down gile...and!!! same as me too!!! aku tgh laluinye..sekarang.
sedih sgt!!! but...aku try tuk amik mase sume ni...dan sedang masih cube tuk paami ape sume ni..21 years olg girl..da one in my family..yup aku tau..mama n abah sgt syg aku.. but pls..syasya rindu sgt zaman student lifestyle...going hang out with friends...watching movie....karoke....lepaking...n da important gossip.. totally aku rindu nak wat sume tu..yup kat perak..aku leh wat ape aku nk wat..as long aku tau jage diri aku..aku tau batas aku..but bile aku dh duk kat rumah ni nak dekat 4 bulan..without doing anything..honestly...im down rite now....menangis dlm ati sekuat2 nye...rindu kan zaman seorg remaja yg penuh dgn mase tuk blaja n hidup dlm zaman sbagai student..mean having fun with friends...ya allah..aku sedang cube memaafkan diri aku sendiri tuk ape yg jd kat diri aku.lame lagi aku nak smbung blaja....november!!! 2 months to go...too long!!! tired of being like diz...im not a baby...syasya tau sya berharga bg mama abah..but pls as long i know how to survive...and syasya tau mama abah tau sya boleh jage dir sya...but plz..sya x kan hancur kan kepercayaan tu.. ya allah..sedih nye aku mlm ni..ape hikmah sume ni..lg sedih bile aku kol and msg member2 aku kat perak...diorg ckp diorg tgh lepak...mkn2...jalan2...and me??????? just sit down and watch tv ...what ever is it..aku tau..ade hikmah yg amat besar and bermakna tuk sume dugaan ni..amin..love u mama ..abah..one day...sya akan wat mama n abah happy n bangga sbb ade sya ..even im da only one for u both...love sgt2 mama n abah..sory mama..abah..sbb sya ni degil..hehehe..tp sya comey :)


  1. sabar sya.... everything happen for a reason.. hanya Tuhan yang tahu... jgn sedih2 enjoy your free time... kang dah start study, kene tensi study balik... yang lepas jangan dikenang2kan... pandang kehadapan... hidup perlu diteruskan. go go sya!

  2. thanx kak misah..sya tau family always support sya...syg korg sume...thanx sgt...

  3. hahaa ayat last tu aku boleh terima.
    "tp sya comey :)"
    ye memang zai comel pun & never give up.
    you still have your friends & family.
    we are always there for you.
    miss you :D

  4. weh..npe nih???kan k.ina dh pesan,jgn sedih2...dkt mana2 je kiter belajar pun kiter boleh berjaya..xmo sedih2 dah...nnti lps abis blaja...kamu tinggalkan gak student life kamu tu...time tu xleh wat ape la...xkn nk blaja je xkeje2...tul x??as long kalo kamu nk jd lecturer,blaja je la smpai abis nyawa...hehehhehe

  5. kak ina: kamu..kalo kamu ade..mest le teman sya kan...rindu nye...kalo de duit ni..sya dh g r sane..hahaha
    thanx kamu...syg kak ina sgt2...

    wabee: thanx dear..aku tau org slalu sokong aku...korg stdy bns elok2 tau..sbb bns tu salah satu citecite aku dulu...chayok kwn

  6. zai where ever u go & cont. ur studies, it doesn't matter.
    yang penting masa ko keje nnt ye :)
    chill ok.
    jgn pikir sngt.

  7. sya...rajin2 la tgok ticket flight MAS,ETIHAD,QATAR AIRWAYS...mana tau ada promotion...dtg la sini b4 start blaja blk...mintak la belas ihsan dr Pah..hehehe....

  8. ok2...boleh..nnt sya usul kan..hahaha..pastu kamu kene la tgl back up sya..hahah
